
Unintentional weight loss
Unintentional Weight Loss

Unintentional weight loss

It is not uncommon for people to lose weight as we age. However, this is not a desired part of ageing. In fact, research suggests that being overweight is not always associated with higher risk of death. Rather if older adults carry some extra weight then it helps them recover from illness. It also acts […]
Food Fortification
Food Fortification

Food Fortification

Food fortification is the process of adding nutrients to a food that the food would not naturally have. For example, a banana is a good source of nutrients but it is not a source of protein. However, blend it with milk and the banana smoothie now has protein! Food fortification can be helpful in older […]
How to get more protein?
How To Get More Protein

How to get more protein?

It is well known that one-in-three older adults do not get enough protein. This is due to reduced appetite, chewing and swallowing issues, impaired sense of taste and smell and limited independence with shopping and cooking. A diet that is low in protein can have permanent effects on muscle and bone health. This can lead […]
Are you getting enough protein?
Are You Getting Enough Protein

Are you getting enough protein?

Did you know that protein requirements are higher for older adults than for younger adults? The reason for this is that muscles in our body are always being broken down and rebuilt. Proteins are the building blocks of muscles. So, without enough dietary protein, the body will break down more muscle than it rebuilds. This […]
Small Appetite
Small Appetite

Small Appetite

Many older adults say they have reduced or no appetite during meals. It is often thought as a “normal” part of ageing due to the myth that food and nutrient requirements decrease with ageing. Nutrient requirements for vitamins and minerals remain unchanged. In fact, requirements for protein increase. Many factors can cause a loss of […]
Special Diets – are they needed in older adults?
Set Of Different Tasty Salads On White Background

Special Diets – are they needed in older adults?

It is common for people with health issues to follow a special diet that limits sugar and/or fat. These health issues could be diabetes, high blood cholesterol or high blood pressure. Some believe that older people need less vitamins, minerals and protein. Although, requirements remain similar, or may increase when unwell. Older adults need more […]
What is a healthy diet?
Healthy Breakfast Ingredients, Food Frame. Granola, Egg, Nuts, Fruits, Berries, Toast, Milk, Yogurt, Orange Juice, Cheese, Banana, Apple On Wooden Rustic Background, Top View, Copy Space

What is a healthy diet?

We often hear about eating a healthy and balanced diet. But what do these two words mean? Different foods contain different nutrients. For example, red meats provide protein and iron, green leafy vegetables provide folate and citrus fruits provide vitamin C. In addition, dairy foods provide protein and calcium, and wholegrains provide B vitamins and […]
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