Rsi Ingredients
For the soup:
For the cheese toast:

Tip! You could freeze a couple of portions to save for another day. If so, cut back the quantity of cheese toasts and prepare as needed.

  1. Heat oil over a low heat in a large saucepan. Add onion, carrot, celery and parsley stalks and sauté for 10 minutes or until so! and translucent. Add garlic and dried herbs and cook for a further minute.
  2. Add sweet potato and chicken. Add stock, rice and 750mL water. Cover and simmer for 40 minutes, or until chicken and rice are cooked through.
  3. Remove chicken from the pot. Remove the meat from the bones and discard the bones. Use two forks to shred the meat and return the meat to the soup. Divide into four serving bowls.
  4. Meanwhile, preheat grill. Toast the bread and then top with grated cheese. Place under the grill for five minutes, or until cheese is melted and golden.
Rsi C Img 2
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris convallis pharetra odio. Nunc ligula mi, imperdiet vitae fermentum sit amet, mollis nec quam. Ut eleifend rhoncus cursus. Integer malesuada est a purus ultrices accumsan. Suspendisse potenti. Ut varius consequat cursus. Proin accumsan, purus quis ornare euismod, orci ante consectetur leo, nec dapibus sem est nec lacus. Suspendisse feugiat auctor imperdiet. Ut tempus vestibulum m
Nutrition Per Serving
Rsi Ingredients
  1. Preheat grill.
  2. Cook pasta as per packet instructions. Drain. Stir through pesto and add to a small baking tray.
  3. Combine breadcrumbs and cheese, and scatter over pasta. Drizzle with oil. Grill for 10 minutes, or until golden.
Rsi C Img 2
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris convallis pharetra odio. Nunc ligula mi, imperdiet vitae fermentum sit amet, mollis nec quam. Ut eleifend rhoncus cursus. Integer malesuada est a purus ultrices accumsan. Suspendisse potenti. Ut varius consequat cursus. Proin accumsan, purus quis ornare euismod, orci ante consectetur leo, nec dapibus sem est nec lacus. Suspendisse feugiat auctor imperdiet. Ut tempus vestibulum m
Nutrition Per Serving
Rsi Ingredients
  1. Preheat oven to 200˚C.
  2. Place potato in the corner of a flat sheet of aluminium foil. Drizzle over the oil and season with salt. Wrap the potato in the foil and bake for 75 minutes, or until the potato is cooked through.
  3. Once the potato is cooked, heat baked beans according to the packet instructions.
  4. Carefully remove the potato from the foil and place it into a bowl. Cut the potato into quarters. Top with baked beans, cheese and sour cream. Season with freshly cracked black pepper.
Rsi C Img 2
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris convallis pharetra odio. Nunc ligula mi, imperdiet vitae fermentum sit amet, mollis nec quam. Ut eleifend rhoncus cursus. Integer malesuada est a purus ultrices accumsan. Suspendisse potenti. Ut varius consequat cursus. Proin accumsan, purus quis ornare euismod, orci ante consectetur leo, nec dapibus sem est nec lacus. Suspendisse feugiat auctor imperdiet. Ut tempus vestibulum m
Nutrition Per Serving
Rsi Ingredients
  1. Spread mayonnaise along the centre of the wrap.
  2. Add cheese, salmon and spinach.
  3. Fold the wrap and serve immediately.
Rsi C Img 2
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris convallis pharetra odio. Nunc ligula mi, imperdiet vitae fermentum sit amet, mollis nec quam. Ut eleifend rhoncus cursus. Integer malesuada est a purus ultrices accumsan. Suspendisse potenti. Ut varius consequat cursus. Proin accumsan, purus quis ornare euismod, orci ante consectetur leo, nec dapibus sem est nec lacus. Suspendisse feugiat auctor imperdiet. Ut tempus vestibulum m
Nutrition Per Serving
Rsi Ingredients
  1. Cook pasta according to packet instructions. With 3 minutes to go, add peas to the pot of pasta. Finish cooking, then drain and set aside.
  2. Meanwhile, heat a drizzle of oil in a frypan over a medium-high heat. Add bacon and onion and fry for 8-10 minutes, or until cooked through and crisp. Transfer to a plate lined with paper towel.
  3. Combine pasta, peas, bacon and onion. Divide into 2 serving bowls. Dress with a drizzle of oil and top with freshly grated parmesan cheese.
Rsi C Img 2
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris convallis pharetra odio. Nunc ligula mi, imperdiet vitae fermentum sit amet, mollis nec quam. Ut eleifend rhoncus cursus. Integer malesuada est a purus ultrices accumsan. Suspendisse potenti. Ut varius consequat cursus. Proin accumsan, purus quis ornare euismod, orci ante consectetur leo, nec dapibus sem est nec lacus. Suspendisse feugiat auctor imperdiet. Ut tempus vestibulum m
Nutrition Per Serving
Rsi Ingredients
  1. Heat oil in a frying pan over medium heat. Add spring onion and garlic and cook for 1 minute.
  2. Add parsley, sardines, lemon zest, juice of one lemon quarter and chilli, if using. Toss together in the pan until sardines are warmed through (2-3 minutes).
  3. Meanwhile, toast the bread.
  4. Top toast with sardine mixture. Garnish with freshly cracked black pepper and serve with the remaining lemon wedge.
Rsi C Img 2
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris convallis pharetra odio. Nunc ligula mi, imperdiet vitae fermentum sit amet, mollis nec quam. Ut eleifend rhoncus cursus. Integer malesuada est a purus ultrices accumsan. Suspendisse potenti. Ut varius consequat cursus. Proin accumsan, purus quis ornare euismod, orci ante consectetur leo, nec dapibus sem est nec lacus. Suspendisse feugiat auctor imperdiet. Ut tempus vestibulum m
Nutrition Per Serving
Rsi Ingredients
  1. Preheat sandwich press.
  2. Meanwhile, prepare sandwich by spreading mustard on one side of the bread. Top with remaining fillings and second slice of bread. Drizzle the top of the sandwich with oil, then add to sandwich press.
  3. Cook sandwich in sandwich press for 5 minutes, or until the bread is toasted. Serve immediately.
Rsi C Img 2
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris convallis pharetra odio. Nunc ligula mi, imperdiet vitae fermentum sit amet, mollis nec quam. Ut eleifend rhoncus cursus. Integer malesuada est a purus ultrices accumsan. Suspendisse potenti. Ut varius consequat cursus. Proin accumsan, purus quis ornare euismod, orci ante consectetur leo, nec dapibus sem est nec lacus. Suspendisse feugiat auctor imperdiet. Ut tempus vestibulum m
Nutrition Per Serving
Rsi Ingredients
  1. Preheat oven to 200˚C.
  2. Add pumpkin and zucchini to a small baking tray, drizzle with oil and bake for 30 minutes.
  3. Preheat sandwich press.
  4. Meanwhile, prepare sandwich by layering vegetables and cheese on one slice of bread. Top with the second slice of bread and drizzle with oil, then add to sandwich press.
  5. Cook sandwich in sandwich press for 5  minutes, or until the bread is toasted. Serve immediately.
Rsi C Img 2
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris convallis pharetra odio. Nunc ligula mi, imperdiet vitae fermentum sit amet, mollis nec quam. Ut eleifend rhoncus cursus. Integer malesuada est a purus ultrices accumsan. Suspendisse potenti. Ut varius consequat cursus. Proin accumsan, purus quis ornare euismod, orci ante consectetur leo, nec dapibus sem est nec lacus. Suspendisse feugiat auctor imperdiet. Ut tempus vestibulum m
Nutrition Per Serving
Rsi Ingredients
  1. Preheat sandwich press.
  2. Meanwhile, prepare sandwich by layering cheese and beans on one slice of bread. Top with the second slice of bread and drizzle with oil, then add to sandwich press.
  3. Cook sandwich in sandwich press for 5 minutes, or until the bread is toasted. Serve immediately.
Rsi C Img 2
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris convallis pharetra odio. Nunc ligula mi, imperdiet vitae fermentum sit amet, mollis nec quam. Ut eleifend rhoncus cursus. Integer malesuada est a purus ultrices accumsan. Suspendisse potenti. Ut varius consequat cursus. Proin accumsan, purus quis ornare euismod, orci ante consectetur leo, nec dapibus sem est nec lacus. Suspendisse feugiat auctor imperdiet. Ut tempus vestibulum m
Nutrition Per Serving
Rsi Ingredients
  1. Whisk together eggs, cheese and cream. Set aside.
  2. Heat oil in a frying pan over a low-medium heat. Add eggs to the pan. Using a flexible spatula, gently push the egg mixture around the pan until cooked through.
  3. Meanwhile, toast the bread.
  4. Top bread with scrambled eggs, garnish with chives and serve immediately.
Rsi C Img 2
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris convallis pharetra odio. Nunc ligula mi, imperdiet vitae fermentum sit amet, mollis nec quam. Ut eleifend rhoncus cursus. Integer malesuada est a purus ultrices accumsan. Suspendisse potenti. Ut varius consequat cursus. Proin accumsan, purus quis ornare euismod, orci ante consectetur leo, nec dapibus sem est nec lacus. Suspendisse feugiat auctor imperdiet. Ut tempus vestibulum m
Nutrition Per Serving
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