  1. Place all the ingredients except sesame seeds into a food processor. Blitz until combined and holding together.

  2. Roll mixture into large walnut-sized balls, then roll in sesame seeds to coat.

  3. Store in an air-tight container in the refrigerator.

Rsi C Img 2
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris convallis pharetra odio. Nunc ligula mi, imperdiet vitae fermentum sit amet, mollis nec quam. Ut eleifend rhoncus cursus. Integer malesuada est a purus ultrices accumsan. Suspendisse potenti. Ut varius consequat cursus. Proin accumsan, purus quis ornare euismod, orci ante consectetur leo, nec dapibus sem est nec lacus. Suspendisse feugiat auctor imperdiet. Ut tempus vestibulum m
Nutrition Per Serving
  1. Heat a large fry pan or wok to a high temperature. Add 1 tbsp of EVOO and stir fry half of the pork fillet for 3-4 minutes. Repeat with second half of pork. Remove from pan and set aside.

  2. Heat remaining EVOO, add broccoli, carrots, capsicum and beans and toss till just tender, another 3-4 minutes.

  3. Return pork to the pan with cooked noodles. Add sweet chilli sauce and lime juice. Toss to combine and heat through.

  4. Serve immediately garnished with bean sprouts, coriander leaves and black sesame seeds.

Rsi C Img 2
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris convallis pharetra odio. Nunc ligula mi, imperdiet vitae fermentum sit amet, mollis nec quam. Ut eleifend rhoncus cursus. Integer malesuada est a purus ultrices accumsan. Suspendisse potenti. Ut varius consequat cursus. Proin accumsan, purus quis ornare euismod, orci ante consectetur leo, nec dapibus sem est nec lacus. Suspendisse feugiat auctor imperdiet. Ut tempus vestibulum m
Nutrition Per Serving

The words ‘allergy’ and ‘intolerance’ are often used interchangeably when talking about food, but they refer to very different things.

What's included:

The patient resources are not, and are not intended to be, medical advice, which should be tailored to your individual circumstances.  The patient resources are for your information only, and we advise that you exercise your own judgment before deciding to use the information provided. Professional medical advice should be obtained before taking action.  Please see here for terms and conditions.

Coeliac disease is an immune based condition in which the body responds abnormally to dietary gluten. This autoimmune reaction causes systemic inflammation and small bowel damage.

What's included:

The patient resources are not, and are not intended to be, medical advice, which should be tailored to your individual circumstances.  The patient resources are for your information only, and we advise that you exercise your own judgment before deciding to use the information provided. Professional medical advice should be obtained before taking action.  Please see here for terms and conditions.

A healthy lifestyle is the best first step you can take towards healthier, happier insides.
To give you a helping hand starting on your gut health journey, we list our four key pillars of good gut health.

What's included:

The patient resources are not, and are not intended to be, medical advice, which should be tailored to your individual circumstances.  The patient resources are for your information only, and we advise that you exercise your own judgment before deciding to use the information provided. Professional medical advice should be obtained before taking action.  Please see here for terms and conditions.

They’re often thought to mean the same thing, but Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) are very different things. Here, we walk you through the similarities and differences between IBS and IBD.

What's included:

The patient resources are not, and are not intended to be, medical advice, which should be tailored to your individual circumstances.  The patient resources are for your information only, and we advise that you exercise your own judgment before deciding to use the information provided. Professional medical advice should be obtained before taking action.  Please see here for terms and conditions.

Food often plays a key role in managing gut-related issues like constipation and food intolerances… but knowing where to start can be a bit of a minefield.

So, we’ve put together this e-book to help you navigate some of the nutrition basics behind a happy, healthy gut. We’ve also developed ten gut-loving, delicious, dietitian-approved recipes to work into your repertoire.

Remember, this is just a starting point. For the best shot at pinpointing the cause of and solution to your unique tummy problems, you should first seek advice from your doctor to rule out any underlying medical problems, and then see an Accredited Practising Dietitian (APD). APDs are the only qualified nutrition experts that can provide individualised, science-backed advice to help manage common gut issues.

What's included:

The patient resources are not, and are not intended to be, medical advice, which should be tailored to your individual circumstances.  The patient resources are for your information only, and we advise that you exercise your own judgment before deciding to use the information provided. Professional medical advice should be obtained before taking action.  Please see here for terms and conditions.

  1. Cook pasta according to packet instructions. Drain and allow to cool.

  2. Mix together mustard, yoghurt, lemon zest, lemon juice and pepper in a large mixing bowl.

  3. Gently fold the cooled pasta, salmon and capers.

  4. Garnish with fresh dill.

*Can be tweaked to be gluten free. Check the chickpea pasta is gluten free. 

Rsi C Img 2
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris convallis pharetra odio. Nunc ligula mi, imperdiet vitae fermentum sit amet, mollis nec quam. Ut eleifend rhoncus cursus. Integer malesuada est a purus ultrices accumsan. Suspendisse potenti. Ut varius consequat cursus. Proin accumsan, purus quis ornare euismod, orci ante consectetur leo, nec dapibus sem est nec lacus. Suspendisse feugiat auctor imperdiet. Ut tempus vestibulum m
Nutrition Per Serving

The Good Nutrition Co., founded by Nicole Dynan in 2013, is recognised as one of Australia’s largest telehealth nutrition providers. Having consulted to over 30,000 individuals via telehealth, our team of Accredited Practising Dietitians have expertise across a range of areas including general healthy eating, medical nutrition therapy, weight management, women’s health, men’s health, family nutrition, gut health and food intolerance and lifestyle and sports nutrition. Our dietitians value a patient-focused, evidence-based approach to nutrition care, and strive to provide the highest quality service possible to help our clients achieve a better quality of life.

When Nicole established the business eight years ago, she had a simple goal: To help people eat and perform at their best by rebuilding their confidence and connection with food.

The Good Nutrition Co. maintains a network of busy private practice clinics across Sydney and is the global nutrition supplier to Australia’s largest Employee Assistance Program (EAP) provider.

In her spare time, Nicole is a guest lecturer for The University of Sydney, The University of NSW and media spokesperson for Dietitians Australia.

All our dietitians are available for telehealth consultations via phone or video.
Rsi Ingredients
The Method
  1. Preheat oven to 180 degrees Celsius. Line a baking tray with baking paper and place bread on tray. Drizzle with olive oil and scatter over cheese. Cook in oven for 15 minutes, or until cheese is melted and bread is toasted.
  2. Meanwhile, heat a quarter of a cup of oil in a pan on a medium-high heat. Add chickpeas. Sautee for 10 minutes or until chickpeas are crispy.
  3. Microwave soup according to packet instructions. Top with crispy chickpeas and a drizzle of cream. Serve with warm cheese toast.
Rsi C Img 2
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris convallis pharetra odio. Nunc ligula mi, imperdiet vitae fermentum sit amet, mollis nec quam. Ut eleifend rhoncus cursus. Integer malesuada est a purus ultrices accumsan. Suspendisse potenti. Ut varius consequat cursus. Proin accumsan, purus quis ornare euismod, orci ante consectetur leo, nec dapibus sem est nec lacus. Suspendisse feugiat auctor imperdiet. Ut tempus vestibulum m
Nutrition Per Serving
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