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Did you know
your gut
like a second brain ?

… which is why what you eat can influence not just your digestive wellbeing, but also how you think and feel. To improve your mood and wellbeing, nurture your body and mind with gut-loving foods and nutrients.

Explore the links below for tips and tricks about gut-happy nutrition. Your journey to a happier gut and mood starts here!

About us

Gut Health Month is a national month, led by the team of dietitians at Dietitian Connection, to help all Australians feel better from the inside, out.
We provide access to:
  • Healthy, gut-loving recipes
  • Nutrition and gut health resources
  • Up-to-date gut health and nutrition information
  • Answers to your common gut health questions
  • A search engine so you can look for local dietitians with gut health expertise
  • Services to support you

Our mission is to:

  • Empower you, and those you care for, to take a proactive approach in improving your gut health
  • Help you understand how nutrition impacts your gut health
  • Connect you with a dietitian who can help you feel better and manage your nutrition-related gut issues

For the best shot at pinpointing the cause/s and solution/s of your unique tummy problems, you should first seek advice from your doctor to rule out any underlying problems, and then see an Accredited Practising Dietitian (APD). APDs are the only qualified nutrition experts that can provide individualised, science-backed advice to help manage common gut issues.

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Nutrition during illness
Gut Health
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